We know that there are a large number of seals in the world of natural cosmetics , in certain cases they are overwhelming, it is vitally important to know about these ecological seals , since they provide us with valuable information when choosing a truly ecological product. In this article, we will talk more in depth about these ecological seals in the cosmetic industry.
What are seals in organic cosmetics and their process?
First it is important to know the difference between seals and certifications,
- Seals: These are images printed on a product that certify that it has been endorsed and meets the required standards.
- Certifications: These are entities that provide a written guarantee that a product, process or service meets specific established requirements.
Seals and certifications guarantee a brand the authenticity that its products are manufactured responsibly towards animals, the environment and society in general. These seals are a very important tool for consumers when choosing ecological products and making a responsible purchase.
The process of obtaining these seals involves complying with:
- Clear and specific rules
- An evaluation and audit of the products
- Inspection of ingredients and manufacturing processes,
- Third party support
- Periodic monitoring
- Visibility of the seal on the packaging.
Main seals that you will find on our products:
There are several seals and certifications within Spain and the European Union, which guarantee cosmetic companies that their products are natural and ecological. Some of the main labels in natural cosmetics in Spain and with which Banbu works are:
Cosmos Organic
The COSMOS ORGANIC certificate is an internationally recognized seal of approval that guarantees the authenticity and quality of cosmetic and organic products. It is issued by the Association of Organic and Natural Cosmetics (COSMOS), a leading organization in the field of organic cosmetics certification .
To obtain the COSMOS ORGANIC certificate, cosmetic products must meet rigorous standards and requirements established by COSMOS. These standards are based on ecological principles and ethical that seek to promote sustainability and transparency in the cosmetics industry.
Key criteria that products must meet to be COSMOS ORGANIC certified include:
- Organic Ingredients : Products must contain ingredients of natural and organic origin, and must meet the minimum required percentages of certified organic ingredients.
- Sustainable processing and manufacturing : Products must be produced using environmentally friendly processes and sustainable manufacturing practices.
- No to animal cruelty : COSMOS ORGANIC certified products must not be tested on animals, nor must they contain ingredients derived from slaughtered animals.
- Packaging and labeling : Products must comply with specific packaging and labeling guidelines that promote transparency and clear information for consumers
European Union
European Eco Label
This label serves to highlight those products that have a lower impact on the environment than others in the same category. In addition, it certifies that the consumer is being informed faithfully, correctly and comprehensively.
This label is not awarded to any company that markets products with chemicals that are toxic or harmful to the environment.

Made in Spain
"Made in Spain" is a badge that indicates that a product has been designed, manufactured and produced in Spain. This seal represents quality, craftsmanship, innovation and tradition. "Made in Spain" products are internationally recognized for their excellence and authenticity.
Producing in Spain allows us to reduce deadlines regarding the production and sale of our products. This also makes our carbon footprint much smaller than if we imported our cosmetics from abroad. In addition, supporting local trade and the local economy is one of the most important premises of our philosophy of life, being more sustainable and contributing to the economy of the region.

Gluten Free
What does "gluten free" mean in the context of cosmetic products? It means that our products are completely gluten-free and have been created with those who have gluten sensitivity or celiac disease in mind. We know that for these people, avoiding gluten is not only a dietary necessity, but also a concern when it comes to the products they apply to their skin.

Cruelty Free and Vegan
On the other hand, there are certified seals to know if a product is “Cruelty Free” or “vegan”, which are of vital importance for a consumer to accept or refuse the purchase.
vegan seals that exclude any ingredients of animal origin or their derivatives. And the cruelty free claim that it has not been tested on animals.
Although in 2013, the European Union implemented a complete ban on animal testing for cosmetic products and their ingredients. This meant that any new cosmetic product introduced to the European market could not be tested on animals to ensure its safety.
In conclusion, having these ecological seals on a natural cosmetics product are very valuable for the consumer when looking for and purchasing products that are responsible for the environment and animals. By choosing this type of products with certified seals , we are taking care of the planet and our skin, in addition to contributing to conscious consumption in the cosmetics industry.